Mishka's Page

Siberian Husky, born Easter 2002.

Huskies are sled dogs, they come originally from Siberia where they are bred not only to pull the sled but to live pretty much as a pack around the human camp, and also foraging for some of their own food, their fur is two layered with a thick coarse coat above a really dense 'downy' fur, they make great hot water bottles, it also gives them excellent protection and they not only survive but really enjoy temperatures well below zero.

Here are some of our very first pictures of our new little doggie in the garden in June 2002, we borrowed her for a weekend first while we decided if we wanted to give her a home, just look at her little face, how could we resist?

She bounced around the garden like she had lived here all the time.

Finally got her to settle down enough for a sitting picture.

She really brought our home back to life after the demise of our lovely cats a couple of years earlier.

August 2002, Mishka was already much bigger.

The local reservoir has a decent path around the perimeter and we used to take many walks round there in the summer.

She likes to get her feet wet but won't go any deeper than her undercarriage.

It was getting a bit late by the time we got round the other side.

The Ducks and Swans already know to keep their distance.

November and December 2002. Mishka was growing up fast, lost her puppy fur and already grown into those big ears....

The weather is getting colder so now she likes it outside even more.

She still loves charging around the garden.

But prefers to lie on the cold floor instead of her lovely warm bed.

Mishka can open her own Christmas presents too... good girl!



Mishka loves to stand on the Barbeque wall and watch people walking their own dogs along a local footpath, the people must think she is 8 feet tall.

Spoilt absolutely rotten, this is the dog I was assured would be living outside... I think was conned.

Poor Panther!

Is it time for a walk yet, Dad?


Nice shot of Mishka sleeping on the garden, well she was sleeping before she heard me coming

After the Southern Triples Rally this year she was so knackered, she just did this all afternoon.

She's getting a bit jaded about opening her own Christmas presents these days, and appreciates a bit of help from Mum.

Well she is a Snow dog after all.


These days she likes this sleeping position..

I know that look, it comes at around 16:00 just after she's looked at her watch, it means... 'Walkies, come on dad I'm waiting'.

This is the bit she really loves and, of course, there was no shortage of the white stuff early in the year.

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